Pennylane Collies is very sad to give you a long awaited update on Alfenloch Pennylane’s Hero.
Many breeders have contacted me with regards to using him, and I have simply stated that he is still too young to evaluate. The truth is that he is unsuitable to be used in anyone’s breeding program.
This page is an attempt to show other Collie owners what they may be dealing with when they breed or purchase a dog that has Demodectic Mange. This is a long-term problem and is never pleasant.

The above picture is of Hero’s head as he begins his battle with demodectic mange. It was at this point, when he was six or seven months old, that I contacted his breeder, Diane Fitzpatrick, and informed her that the ‘top-quality show puppy’ that she sold me for $2000.00 not only was not quality enough to be shown due to his major faults, but that he had demodex and that I would not be wanting to keep him for my breeding program. He really was beautiful as a youngster, but quickly progressed to pet quality even without all his health issues.

The above pictures were taken roughly two/three months later as this progressed to what was diagnosed as generalized demodectic mange. His body was riddled with lesions from Demodex and the unrelenting staph infections in spite of aggressive therapy and medications .
In the fall of 2002, after trying multiple treatments, it was decided that he would live at the vet clinic where he could get daily treatment in hopes of saving his life. After more conversation with Diane Fitzpatrick explaining that I wanted to return him to her, she told me to put him down, it would be too expensive for her to pay to ship him back to her. I requested that I be allowed to keep him as a pet and try to save him and still get a replacement puppy. She agreed.
Now it is February 16th of 2003, and I still have Hero, he is getting worse week by week in spite of continued treatments. I still have no money back and no replacement puppy. She has offered me a replacement puppy that I agreed to take, only to tell me at the last minute that she sold them all. This is a terrible thing to do to a fellow breeder who dealt with her in good faith. I did see an attorney and questioned legal action, but with her in another country, I was told that even if I won, it would cost me a tremendous amount in legal fees and a judgement would be to expensive to pursue.
Below, you will see pictures of him taken in February,after his bath now that he is home. He is still suffering from Generalized Demodex. He has a white crust around his ears and some crust around his muzzle as you can see. We are in the process of testing him for Dermatomyositis as that is now suspected given his overall appearance. He was one year old on December 4th. His birthday was celebrated in his vet’s clinic where he was living.
As I write this, I want you all to know that I am a responsible breeder. A breeder that cares about the health of my Collies and Collies in general. I respect life in all forms which is why Hero has not been killed per his breeder’s request. I am still attempting to assure him of some kind of life free from the disease that has been a part of his life for nearly a year. There have been muscle biopsey sent to Texas A&M; University to be assessed for DM.
UPDATE MARCH 10, 2003 After much discussion with several vets, Hero was put to sleep. Perhaps now, he can rest in comfort. Goodbye Hero. I’ll never forget you.
My lawyer has written to Diane and has left multiple message on her voice mail. She has chosen to ignore us completely. After much discussion with my lawyer, we have agreed that we will not pursue this legal action against her. Bringing a lawsuit against her here will win me a judgement, but would be almost impossible to collect. This is something to keep in mind when dealing with other breeders who live out of our country. Almost all of the Breeders in Canada are above reproach in their bussiness dealings. Be sure to ask around and deal with these breeders. Would I hesitate to purchase from Canada, or another country again? No, I would do it in a minute, BUT I would be sure to deal with those breeders I know to be true to their breed.
Let me tell you something else that has happened. Several breeders who have dogs of this pedigree have contacted me by e-mail, letter, and by phone. Most all of them have offered to replace this dog with a puppy of their own breeding free of charge. Not out of obligation, but out of honor for their pedigrees and honor for their country. They feel as bad about what happened as I do. So if you are hesitating to purchase out of country, know that there are breeders in Canada that stand behind their dogs 150%. Be sure to check with other breeders for personal recommendations. Both DM and Generalized Demodex are familial in the mode of inheritence. It may not show up in every generation, but it is there.
Although legal procedings have been stopped, I have not received any money back, any partial refund, nor have I been offered another puppy to replace this one as would be expected from any breeder.
There is no shame in having health problems in your line, it’s what you do regarding the people you deal with that brings shame or disrespect to your reputation. Generalized Demodectic Mange or Dermatomyositis is not something that any reputable breeder would ever want to deal with. These are pictures of Hero taken February 16, 2003.

His dam is Osez Rever Monet Alfenloch and his sire is Ch. Alfenloch Artpiece Cornerstone. This tightly line-bred young male will be never be incorporated into our breeding program or anyone else’s.
“Hero” was an absolutely stunning tri puppy at 7 and 10 weeks, with a beautiful eye, expression, body structure; full round smooth muzzle, tons of underjaw and was very flashy.
Aladdinn” was one of his breeder’s favorite “Masterpiece” sons, and he is in “Hero’s” pedigree twice, once on the sire’s side and once on the dam’s side. Also, he has three sisters to “Aladdinn” in his pedigree – Ch.Alfenloch The Time of My Life, Alfenloch Fantasyworld and Jap.Ch. Alfenloch One Moment In Time.
“Fantasyworld” is also there twice on the sire’s side, “Aladdinn’s” brother, Ch. Alfenloch The President, is also in the pedigree. All these dogs are from the “Masterpiece” x “Thriller” breeding. “Hero” is linebred back to “Masterpiece” 9 times.
Here are some links to medical infomation for those who are looking.
Familial Canine Dermatomyositis: Patient (Picture)

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